What type of service do you prefert when you buy a web hosting solution?
When you purchase a VPS server hosting package, you will come across two options for types of services: managed and unmanaged services. You enjoy features and benefits based on the type of hosting service you purchase.
You must evaluate all your hosting necessities, compare features and choose a service that aligns with your needs. In this blog, we discuss a managed VPS hosting service and its benefits.
Understanding Managed VPS Hosting Solutions
Virtual Private Server Hosting, famously called VPS hosting, is a type of website hosting solution. This solution utilizes the power of virtualization to create multiple virtual servers to host websites. As a website owner, you can enjoy dedicated resources, an exclusive environment and better privacy. However, managing and maintaining a VPS server can be daunting.
A managed VPS server hosting is a service provided by web hosting providers. In this case, you do not have to manage and maintain the server. The service provider offers to manage all the hosting features in the package. This service includes software updates, security scans, resource optimization and server monitoring.
Benefits of Managed VPS Server Hosting
● High Uptime
Uptime refers to the time your server and website are up and running. When you opt for a managed VPS hosting service, you experience high uptime. This is mostly due to the robust infrastructure and redundant measures.
● Optimized Performance
A server’s performance is dependent on various factors, such as resource availability and usage, server maintenance and configuration. With unmanaged VPS hosting, you might have to make extra efforts to understand server management and resource optimization.
However, with managed VPS server hosting, you can experience faster loading times, better response, and tailored configuration, leading to great performance.
● Dedicated Support
As mentioned above, a fully managed VPS hosting service offers server management and maintenance carried out by trained professionals. You also receive help for technical difficulties related to your website. The support team will extend help with suggestions, migration procedures, scaling and more.
● Advanced Security
A managed VPS server offers robust security measures to safeguard your hosting environment. You can opt for top-notch security features and applications. These tools include firewalls, DDoS protection, brute-force attack protection, malware scans, anti-virus software and more.
● Regular Backups
Data loss is a commonly occurring issue in the hosting industry. If you want to secure your data and fortify your server’s protection, you must have a comprehensive data backup policy. With managed PS hosting, however, you do not have to make extra efforts. The service provider offers all necessary services for periodic backups and disaster recovery.
● Periodic Updates
Your software and applications need to be updated. Outdated tools are a doorway for viruses, malware bots and hackers. Opting for the best managed VPS hosting package will ease your worries. The provider periodically updates all the necessary software and applications and removes unnecessary tools.
One of the biggest benefits of a fully managed VPS hosting package is that it allows you to focus on your business. People often avoid purchasing managed VPS hosting due to the excess cost. However, rest assured that managed hosting services offer great financial relief in the long run.
When you receive so many benefits, cost-efficiency, and optimized server management, you will have a well-performing website for your business.